I recently lost my virginity

 I recently lost my virginity

‘Twas more seductive than you can imagine

And it lasted for hours and hours on end

Like floating along in a mystical pageant

To have something beautifully taken from you

Or more accurately, to give it away

Was more liberating than anything ever before

And it lacks proper words to convey

For a lightning bolt pierced through my paradigm

Armed with insight to help deconstruct

All the specks in my eyes that had blinded me from

Subtle truths, these I needed to pluck

I immediately saw that things weren’t as they seemed

That the veil was dissolving to mist

That if willing, this intimate union could transform

My spirit, so tenderly kissed

I’d been taught throughout all of my formative years

In the systems concocted by men

That to enter into such a blissful estate

Was taboo, a most perilous sin

But a pain with no limits tore into my soul

Sloughing all inhibitions away

And I willingly sought for life’s forbidden fruits

And she offered a fragrant bouquet

So deep in the jungle did I manage to trek

What I found was more precious than gold

What I longed for was lovingly offered to me

I embraced her ’n found riches untold

I entered a world of ecstatic display

An epiphany sent just for me

I saw visions unseen, dead dimensions reborn

Coaxing me to partake and be free

I will never forget how she patiently took

A lost soul that was writhing in pain

How she wrapped me in love with her arms of delight

With her medicine, love’s mystic refrain

She calls us by name, to awaken our souls

To deep truths that she yearns to reveal

If you’re willing to open your mind to her love

She’ll come gently, your suffering to heal

I recently lost my virginity

Though it was not a mere sexual tryst

Mother earth cares for each of us more than we know

Through her seed, I forever was kissed