
We look for pain to run its course

Then go gently back to sleep

Its intentions revealed in subtlety

Our weary souls to keep

Or maybe to revive us from

The slumber forced upon us

We sleepwalk from our births until

All love is stolen from us

Then (tears) are torn into our souls

Revealing life forsaken

Reduced to lives of waste and pleasure

Our hungry souls to waken

But who can fathom such a pain

Or welcome in to stay

No matter what it promises

I’ll bid it fast away

For pain has tortured long enough

Its talons sharp and long

It ripped from me my heart and soul

It stole my soul’s deep song

Or maybe it gives back to us

A chance to taste divine

To loose the chains of mundane fools

To drink the chaliced wine

To search with all our spirit’s heart

Thrust onward by our pain

To find the life that’s meant to be

Like sunshine follows rain

So pain will never run its course

Its journey without end

Our souls to stretch toward heaven’s rays

And with God’s soul to blend