Release the Hounds (of Hell)

It is time that I release the hounds.

For their howling and clawing and tearing have only brought torment.

It is time they be ‘let go’.

Who are these hounds? What are they? Why have they been allowed residence within my inner being?

The hounds are nothing more than my judgments, my futile and fearful projections cast out over a world of my making, A dark and heavy world that never seems to grow weary of threatening me.

With every unfulfilled dream and broken heart my hounds whimper. With every claim to victimhood they growl. With every threat of death they race back to and fro, seeking solace in some dark corner.

It is time they be released. For good.

Only when my hounds of constant judgment upon a world of seeming chaos are released will I be free. Only then will I see that the world is not as I have judged it. Only then will I remember that I ‘created’ my hounds, and that they are but wisps of smoke, imaginary figures.

It is my hounds of judgment that have made my bed in Hell, and I wish not to sleep there anymore. I wish for the sweet rest of Heaven, which is truly within me.

With the help of Heaven, I release my hounds. And with each one that races away, I feel Peace.

I can feel it coming, the day when they will all be gone.

And Peace forever remains…