A Paradox of Paradoxes

It could be said that ‘error’ entered into your experience.

Some would even say that we are ‘born into’ this conglomerate form of error, and named it ‘sin’.

And yet, is it possibly nothing more than a ‘universal belief’, and that this acceptance of such IS the error?

It cannot be emphasized enough that we were, and are, created in the very likeness of all that is - Spirit. Appearances deceive, for that is the way of the physical world. For decades now, quantum physics has revealed that our very PERCEIVING of things changes their character from that of waves to that of particles.

What we are - WHO we are - is more ‘akin’ to waves, or spirit, whereas the eyes of the body see the particles, the manifestation of spirit, if you will.

Question; does that make the particle ‘real’? Or, does that make the particle simply ‘something perceived’, something born out of the wave, but only when ‘viewed’ by that which appears physical? If ‘born out of’, is it possible that it is no more than a ‘consideration’, a perceived reality, and not what would pass muster if fully scrutinized.

Does ‘sin’ exist? It certainly APPEARS so.

Perhaps, though, if properly scrutinized - if looked at through spirit - it can be ‘seen’ as something else entirely.