
They gathered together to gloat, apparently. The Movement was alive and well across the globe, and actually had been for a much longer time in certain circles. This was one of those circles.

The three had met numerous times over their lives to compare notes, share stories, and to engage in that special behavior that some from their species seem to love to do…gossip. 

Betty had allowed Randy to tag along this time. Of course, he was made to sit outside the circle, so to speak, at a distance far enough away that he wouldn’t be able to hear any of their juicy comments. He was the religious type, anyway, and simply kneeled over near a bush in the shade, apparently to pray.

“He’s so pious,” Ruth said. “As if it’s going to help him.”

They all three threw their heads back in laughter. Randy actually seemed to slowly, ever so slowly, turn his head in their direction when they did so. He slowly rotated his head back and resumed praying. Apparently.

“So Ruth, tell me,” Jane said. “Are you still with Robert? The last time we got together you mentioned the possibility of putting him out of commission, or something like that.”

Ruth smiled. “I did. All he wanted was sex. These men! They will never learn. I say, let’s keep giving them what they deserve.”

“So what did you do?” Betty asked.

Ruth smiled and winked at them. “I spun a web, you might say, luring him in for his precious sex. Right when he was through expending himself, I ended things. The truth is, I had wanted it, too. One last time. My own little MeToo, you might say. After I was satisfied and he was spent, I basically chewed him up and spit him out and I haven’t seen him since.”

The three ladies giggled and shook. What a wonderful ending to Robert, they all agreed. Apparently no one had really like him, anyway.

“That’s a great story,” Jane said. “And truthfully, I was expecting to hear that. None of those boys last long with you!”

“I actually strung almost a dozen along at the same time,” Jane continued boastfully. “Y’all know I’m never satisfied with just one of those peons, all thinking they are one of a kind special when they’re really nothing more than a bunch of monotonous drones. None of them have the slightest clue that they will all be discarded when I’m through with them.

“Oh, I do have fun with them, like you Ruth, but I don’t let them hang around even as long as you do. In, out, hope you enjoyed your life, I say.”

All three raised their glasses, more or less, apparently thrilled to hear one more story of conquest of the weaker sex. They drank fully from their place of importance, their thrones of power. And of course, they laughed heartily.

“What about you, Betty?” Ruth asked.

“Yeah, Betty, what’s up with Randy over there?” Jane asked. “I’m surprised to still see him around. The last time we met you mentioned that you were about ready to bite his head off.”

Betty smiled. Randy remained as still as a blade of grass on a windless day. She looked over at him. Both Ruth and Jane did, too. 

“I think he knows I’m about to end it,” Betty said. “He seems to be praying more than normal. He’s scared. They all are, apparently, though they try to act tough by treating us poorly. I’m glad we are the stronger sex.”

They all nodded in a form of female solidarity.

“I actually wanted you gals to watch me do it,” Betty whispered. 

These females were the free-spirited type, not bashful in the least. If Betty wanted to let them watch, that was fine with them. They didn’t exactly relish porn, or anything, but they didn’t mind watching another couple go at it now and again. Ruth and Jane sat back as Betty rose up to prance over to where Randy was. To seduce him one last time…


Betty sashayed over to Randy, who had been praying fervently that he would not succumb to her seductive ways. He had recently watched a National Geographic documentary and was pretty sure what the likely outcome of this encounter was going to be. Nonetheless, he had prayed for strength.

“Hey Randy,” she said.

That did it. She did not have a stitch of clothing on, all lean and hard-bodied. His willpower was shot and they immediately assumed the praying mantis sexual position. Randy lost all awareness of where he was, Ruth and Jane howling in laughter. That’s when he noticed that Betty was chewing on his forehead.

Should have seen that coming was his last thought, as Betty bit his head off and swallowed it down.

“Wow,” Ruth said. “That is more gruesome than us black widows do it.”

“Yeah,” said Jane, Queen of the Bees. “All the drones just bust a gut on their on.”

“I understand,” replied Betty, as she sucked the remnants of Randy’s brains from her teeth. “But we praying mantises get a powerful case of the munchies during sex.” She swallowed again and nodded. “Randy was pretty good.”

They all laughed, Good one!, and agreed to do it again soon.