There I said it

 I wanna die, now, there I said it

Another day, damn, how I dread it

I’m just tryin’ to keep it real

Fuckin’ pain is all I feel

I look back at all my life ’n I regret it

The damn worm turned his ass on me

Said, “Give it up, dude, just take a knee.

‘Cause the rest of your time

‘Sgot no reason or rhyme

Say your prayers, meet your God, you’ll be free.”

Yeah, freedom from this pain sounds real nice

So I’m figurin’ to roll out the dice

Gonna take that last chance

Hopin’ to dig the new dance

Pray it works, I can’t do this thing twice

But a friend came to me, just like that

Took a seat, looked at me…and just sat

She just fuckin’ sat there

Breathin’ in my sad air

Let out sighs, locked my eyes, no chitchat

Seems she sat there for hours on end

Coulda been days, hell, time started to bend

But she musta looked deep

‘Cause she started to weep

When with me, ain’t no way to pretend

What occurred, well, I just can’t explain it

‘Slike her heart latched to mine to constrain it

From the death that it wanted

While the ferryman taunted

‘Sjust a glimpse, ain’t no way to sustain it…

But somehow she defied all the odds

Kept on sittin’, kept breakin’ down my facades

I ain’t sayin’ she saved me

But I’m sayin’ just maybe

There's a chance that she staved off the gods

I wanna die, now, there I said it

Another day, damn, I’ll probably dread it

But today I might wait

Put off destiny’s date

If I do, another soul gets the credit