Peace in the Midst of Pain

I am beginning to see that external circumstances and events have nothing to do with my peace.


Yet my perceptions of those very things does.

A man once wrote that ‘all thing work together for GOOD…’. Perhaps this is our hint to allow ourselves to begin to look at all of life’s events and circumstances - including its people - in a new way.

For many of us these words seem ridiculous, callous, maybe even obscene. For example, my daughter, my beautiful, loving daughter who loved all so beautifully, was dealt what this world deems a horrific blow. She died at 26 from a brutal form of cancer, and the world I had known was destroyed.

I was intent on writing a book upon her death, the title quickly forming in my mind - Fuck You God! And I am not sure there would have been enough exclamation points in the entire world to have assuaged my anger.

But I began a journey seeking truth, allowing that maybe I did not see ‘all things’ correctly. The journey was, and at times still is, arduous, painful, heart twisting.

The external circumstances of my life forced me inward, where we have been told that Heaven IS. And little by little, through learning to forgive life’s circumstances and events, or rather for forgiving myself for my projections upon ‘them’, the man’s words are striking the chord of Truth within me.

I am beginning to see that even my daughter’s death - if I allow it to take me inward - can lead to healing, to GOOD.

To a Peace that this world knows not of.

It is all a matter of perception…