Phil Williams writes about the stories within the stories

Phil Williams

“I write to express that which I feel, to tell stories that might not otherwise be told,
to share in ways that draw the reader into my world, into our world.”

Care to join me?

Who is Phil Williams?

Maybe the toughest question of all for me to answer, let me start by saying that I am one who writes from a place of passion, striving to find that which is real within a world that fights to hide this reality from us. In so doing, I enjoy presenting a different picture to readers than they might normally receive. As a father, I have walked through what many consider the most painful reality that one can experience while upon this earth - the death of my daughter - and much of what I write traces its way back to the legacy that her life and death evokes within me. I try to lay it all out there when writing, frequently with the same tenacity with which I played football while at Florida State University.

What do I write about?

My heart is to tell story, to explore the worlds of interesting, real-life people, and would be characters, in such a way as to live along side them, and in some cases, to share from my own experiences. I cannot help but pull from my background as a former collegiate football player (Florida State University) and as a NFL (National Football League) agent, exposing the more poignant stories within each story.

I also write of my pain and sorrow, including the tale of my own personal healing journey from the seemingly insurmountable grief I experienced upon losing my daughter. This allows me to delve into and create other worlds where pain, grief, and the spiritual realm might be further explored.

And, of course, I would not truly be me if I did not occasionally break free from the mundane and satiate my knack for the whimsical/humorous whenever the notion suits me!

Whichever of these seemingly different genres interests you, please allow yourself to jump into these stories with me, where sometimes they may even all merge together…

And, oh yeah, sometimes I like to take the narratives being bandied about by others and give them my own twist.

Find some of my favorite articles below!

Books I’m currently working on



“I had recently retired after almost three decades as an NFL agent and was in the middle of making plans to relocate to Costa Rica when I found out my oldest child was dying. Hannah was more than a daughter to me; in fact, she was what I would call my soulmate, the only person I knew who somehow truly knew me at the deepest level… I was not prepared for the journey that followed after she passed, but I was forced upon one, nonetheless. This is the story of our relationship, her illness and death, and my subsequent journey.”